Publications (TBA)
How does negation interact with word meanings? And does this interaction change when language changes? Is negation of words different form negation of sentences? These are three of the questions that we investigate in our project on affixation within the CRC 1629 ‘Negation in Language and beyond’ (NegLab). We look at phenomena from Standard German (using empirical methods like picture matching tasks) and its earlier stages more closely (using corpus linguistic methods). One goal is to get a better understanding of why negative expressions have a higher processing load than non-negative ones.
Reinert et al. Verbklassen und Adjektivmorphologie. Universität Passau
Meier/Weiß: Deverbal Adjectives and Negatability Patterns [pdf]
Meier: Contrary Negation as a Combination of Degree Negation and a Positive Operator [pdf]
Other activities —> see our personal websites below
Weiß: Neg-words: what they are and what they are not and what follows form this [Paper]
Meier: Antonymy and Adjectival Horn Scales [Paper]
Meier: Negation and Antonymy [Skript]